Thank you for taking your time to read this blog. This is my first published blog in a very long time and the first for my company KAJ Consults. I’m going to start with an overview that will encompass many things I’d like to dive into later. Let us hope this will help me keep a straight message for you that will show you how I created 4 successful businesses within 5 years, launched a professional sports team, and was awarded Gold for Best New Company 2020 by SRQ Media.
First my background. I’m 37 years old today and I’ve been on my own for 20 years. Now I of course have family and friends I can call on but orphaned and abandoned at a young age does embed a lone survival streak. At 31 years old, I was blessed by His grace with faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Praise that day!
I’ve always been a salesman. I love the profession, but skills are what allowed me to grow many businesses over the years and help other business owners achieve their goals.

Prior to my salvation I was a music promoter, the best part about that was, getting paid to throw parties and the reward of girls, booze & drugs was guaranteed, not a bad way to spend my 20’s, amazing venues, great artists and never dealing with the loss of my family. Of course this was an express lane for hitting rock bottom. But when I was saved through His good grace, He gave me a purpose, and a purpose is what is most important in living a joyful and successful life. Because without a purpose, you are reacting to everything that is happening and when you react, you’ve already lost. A purpose allows you to respond to any situation because you know where you are going so you will respond the best way to keep you on your path.
“To reach is negative, to respond is positive.” – Zig Ziggler
My purpose is to help SMB & Non-profit organizations compete against their larger competitors using technology.
I build websites, and provide web services through my companies. But providing a service is more than just building a website and providing, hosting, email & web security.
My purpose is to provide a knowledgeable person that these businesses can turn to when they have questions. As a small business owner, each time you make a payment. It has to provide an ROI (return on investment).
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this overview about me, my business and the purpose of this blog. I hope you found a few truths and if you have any questions, please email [email protected] or text 800.910.1338.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”. – John 3:16