Digital Business Consultant, My Why
I meet people every day and I’m kind of a talker…. I’ve come to notice that everyone has the same opening questions, what do you do? And where are you from?
The second one is easy to answer but the first for an entrepreneur can be overwhelming to most. If you have a job it’s easy, I work for xyz corp doing the abc’s. As an entrepreneur, you do everything and you get to decide what role you play.
Telling someone I’m a “Digital Business Consultant” their next question is, What is that? Then I get to hit them with my WHY, “I help people achieve their dreams through technology.” Which of course 8 out of 10 people don’t understand what that means either, but why should they? I created it 🙂
“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”
– Simon Sinek
No matter what you are creating, you need your Why and you have to be able to tell it as a story. As the saying goes, “facts tell, but stories sell”. So I hit them with stories from my past projects, like launching a professional minor league soccer team. Then on to current client successes like the public relations association chapter media directory. Then quickly flip the conversation back to them and simply ask, “what would you like to achieve through technology?”
If it’s nothing, that’s fine but you can bet their wheels are turning, but if the answer is yes, your Why just landed you a new client. Yes, you have to be able to show a track record of successes but you also need to know your Why and have your clients, friends and family to buy in.
My Why isn’t about me, it’s about helping other people achieve their dreams. Much like a personal trainer, my success is based on the client wanting to succeed and putting the work in. If you put the work in, take the steps, you will become successful.
I’ve created the most selfish, I help people and they pay me. What are you looking to achieve in this life and how can you help people to get you there?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Why. I hope you found a few truths and if you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] or text 800.910.1338.
“If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God”
– 1 John 4:15